
What is ClickView ?

ClickView combines two products — digital video delivery software and a digital video library containing videos, learning objects and teaching resources — into a network-centred video delivery platform which can deliver video to hundreds of users at the same time across an existing network. ClickView comes complete with an extensive collection of educational videos from Australia and New Zealand’s major content providers; VEA, Classroom Video, Channel 4 Learning and the Australian Children’s Television Foundation.

Staff have the option to add their own content - self made videos, screencasts, podcasts and interactive Learning Objects. Teachers may bundle parts of different commercial digital videos together with documents to form whole class activities, great for relief lessons or more engagement by classes!

Students and staff can export segments of videos (a few seconds to minutes) to a Powerpoint presentation. They can 'school bag' whole videos or segments and load them onto USB drives or laptops so they can view them without the need to be on the network.

we can deliver the entire digital library to staff and students over the Internet. ClickView videos from your own home by using a web browser. Programs can be embedded into web pages similar to You tube.

To find out more visit ClickView website

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1 comment:

khairulshah said...

Check out ClickView in Malaysia at